Wild Terra Wiki
Mob Boar
Aggressive: No*
Possible loot: Item01Wild boar meat
Item01Large raw hide
Item01Boar's head

Boars are one of the passive animals found in the wild. They will ignore you but when threatened, they will counterattack for as long as the threat lasts until they are close to dying and then they will run from you when hit.

After killing a Boar, it's corpse can be skinned with a Bonus01knife to get loot.

Before a Boar in the wild can be captured, it must first be injured enough that it will run away, instead of retaliating, when being attacked. It can then be captured with a Item02Boar lariat and tamed by feeding it Bonus013??. It will take multiple successful feedings to tame it.

A Item02Boar mount can be stored Building01Stables for safe keeping.

Animal taming[ | ]

Animal taming level Category Hability Snare Trap Feed Cooldown
31-48 Mount 60% speed bonus Item03snare for dangerous animals Item02boar lariat 20 Item01raisins 6 hours
